
FM is updated every M, W, R, and F. Every M, W, and F are retellings of anecdotes from Format Monkey's personal notes. Every Thursday is Fan Fiction Day. And every Tuesday is my beach day. Submit your ideas for Fan Fiction Thursday to formatmonkey at gmail dot com. The best ideas (ok, the only ideas at this point) will be turned into real-life Format Monkey strips using the exact same state-of-the-art graphic design programs (Microsoft Paint!) used to make the real strip.

Also, check out the ads, because FM's grandson is still paying off his bill from rehab last summer, where he finally kicked his banana addiction because he keeps relapsing.

I, like, like this.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Episode Forty-Seven

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Episode Forty-Six

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Episode Forty-Five